Tribute to Tudor
Tudor's Programming Tips
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How to program the "Tudor Way"...

1) Avoid source code comments at all costs.

2) Don't use recursion, it will never work!

3) Don't underestimate the power of multiple inheritance, use it liberally and frequently despite complexity and un-maintainability of the resulting code.

4) Long variable names make code far too readable and increase the chances of your co-workers being able to maintain your code. Use 'x' liberally.

5) Hungarian notation my arse. What do the Hungarians know about writing software? Use Failsworth notation instead.

6) Always implement software re-use...find some code that is a bit like the code you want to write. Copy and paste the code into new cpp and header files. Rename the variables and away you go.

7) Don't forget...InsConn(Bool bFrig) calls InsertConnector() which calls InsertConnectors() calls InsConns(), etc.